The Foundation worked cooperatively to promote and initiate regional economic development, employment, workforce development and environmental projects. Thank you to all the organisations and individuals who have contributed to our many successful projects. Over the years, SWCDEF Inc. has led or partnered with organisations on a range of activities and initiatives, including: 

  • Various programs and projects for the aged and people with disabilities including meals on wheels (1987), home support (1988 and 1989) as well as sport and recreation (1989)

  • Receiving a State Innovation Award commendations for work on Vandalism and Access for People with Disabilities (1989)

  • Establishment of Industry Direct business support website in 2000

  • Secured State and Federal funding to conduct first feasibility plan for Cape Peron Tourism Precinct Study at Mangles Bay

  • Regional Partnership Project Funding for the Cape Peron Precinct secured in  2003,  culminating  in  the  preparation  of  a  scoping  document for the Public Environmental Review in 2006

  • Preparation and launch of South West Corridor Workforce Development Plan (2009 to 2014)

  • Secured funding for the establishment of the WA Sabah Trade Centre located in Kota Kinabulu in Sabah, with website launched in 2010. This project was concluded in 2014.

More recently we partnered to deliver:

  • Workforce Development – Continued implementation of the South West Corridor Workforce Development Plan 2009 – 2024

  • Regional Tramway Trail Project – Securing grant funding and commissioned consultants to prepare a development plan for a 32 kilometre section of a historic tramway reserve extending from the City of Cockburn to the City of Rockingham

  • Partnership with Point Peron Rehabilitation Committee (PPRC) – Agreement to partner with the PPRC and act as proponent for grant funds related to the restoration of the historic World War 2 battery structures at Point Peron. Secured community grants funding from the City of Rockingham to prepare a Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for the historic structures located at the site.

  • Regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) Projects – We facilitated and supported grant fund applications for environmental restoration and community awareness projects that align with SWCDeF Inc. objectives, particularly those that could be eligible for additional funding through the Beeliar Rockingham Lakes Regional Parks Trust.

  • Research on Unemployment – Partnered with Murdoch University, City of Rockingham, City of Kwinana, Department of Education, Kwinana Industries Council, Challenger Institute of Technology, and other stakeholders to complete the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage grant funding for project titled “Getting a job: Vocationalism, identity formation and schooling at communities at a disadvantage”. The project extended over several years and has gathering information to better understand issues inhibiting people getting a job, particularly youth.