Current Projects

Saving Our Snake Necked Turtle

The Southwestern snake-necked turtle (Chelodina oblonga), native to Southwest Western Australia, faces significant threats from urbanisation, including high mortality rates among adult females and nests due to predation and road deaths, leading to potential local extinctions.  

The Saving Our Snake-Necked Turtle (SOSNT) initiative, a citizen science-driven project, collaborates with various organisations to engage the community in monitoring and conserving turtle populations. This program educates participants in turtle monitoring and nest protection, building on the success of the earlier 'Turtle Tracker' project.

Tramway Reserve Trail

In the early 1920’s, a tramway was constructed extending south from the Jandakot Railway Station to Karnup to facilitate the development of the Group Settlement Scheme in the Peel Estate.

The Cities of Cockburn, Kwinana and Rockingham have re-imagined the Tramway Reserve Trail as a multi-use trail stretching 32km from Yangebup in the north to Karnup in the south. It would aim to provide a relaxed and shady route to explore the regions’ wetlands and bushland and safely connecting local residents with the nearby facilities.

The re-imagined trail would be a regional attraction for adventurers and explorers to get out in nature and explore the region whether it be through hiking, cycling or just a leisurely stroll. It could be the future site for many adventure races and events, educational trips and scouting excursions, the opportunities are plentiful.